Your ultimate guide to 无边泳池健身系统
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无尽泳池指南:常见问题,提示 and More
Have you ever fancied having an Olympic sized swimming pool in your garden but are restricted by money and space? 好了,现在有一个解决方案了. An Endless Pool is a swimming pool that’s compact in size but that allows you to swim mile after mile without ever reaching the end. 这听起来像是魔法, but the Endless Pool is an affordable and practical piece of equipment you could soon own yourself.
Here’s our guide to everything you could ever wish to know, from Endless Pool running costs to installation options.
《正规彩票十大网站排名》是一个契约, precision engineered swimming pool which allows you to swim against a smooth current that can be adjusted to meet any swimming speed or ability. That means you can swim to your own schedule and at your perfect pace. 因为你永远不会到达泳池的尽头, your workout is not disrupted by regular turns so you can focus on your stroke.
的re are also no busy swimming lanes to contend with and no one to disturb your peace.
那么,一个无边泳池要花多少钱呢? Well, probably less than you might think. 的re are several variations in the 无尽的池 range to choose from, for example:
的 休闲R200无尽泳池 型号20英镑起.495美元,非常适合年轻家庭.
无尽的水池 泳装喷射范围 起价29英镑.595 which is significantly less than standard lap pools.
无尽的水池 健身系统系列 39英镑起.995, the perfect current swim machine suitable for novice swimmers all the way up to elite professionals.
Add a relaxation element to your swim spa with our duel system 无尽的池 E2000 & X2000模型.
的re are a whole range of accessories to enhance your experience and training which can be added to the above ranges.
A digitally controlled water heater is included with every fitness system so you can heat the water to your desired temperature.
的 set temperature range is from 15-40 degrees. 的 water temperature of any fitness system may rise or lower slightly depending on the current use and condition of the system and outside temperatures.
的 compact size of 无尽的池 means they can be installed pretty much anywhere you like if you have the space and access, 比如温室, 车库, 预制花园建筑, 当然还有你的花园空间.
无尽的池 are best enjoyed outside in your garden, having the freedom to swim in your space at your pace.
What are the Endless Pool Swim spa dimensions?
Endless Pool Fitness System dimensions:
最大尺寸609 x 147 x 226
最小的366 × 226 × 127
无尽的水池 Swim Machine creates a smooth laminar turbulent-free current. 的 custom-made hydraulic-powered swim-in-place system moves up to 19,000 litres of water per minute.
52 variable speeds controlled using a push button remote accommodate any swimmer’s skill level or stroke, with a top speed equivalent of swimming 100 metres in under 1:15 minutes and the slowest speed setting 100 metres in 5:30 minutes.
Is it suitable for activities other than just swimming?
是的. An Endless pool is also suitable for other water-based workouts such as aqua aerobics and even deep-water running on an aquatic treadmill.
当然是. 的 Endless Pool can be fitted with optional jets and hydrotherapy seating to create your very own spa.
Are 无尽的池 difficult to maintain?
No. 无尽的池 actually require much less maintenance than a standard swimming pool. You should test the water regularly adjusting the water-care levels as required and keep filters clean.
Where can I read Endless Pool spa reviews?
Endless swimming pool reviews are an excellent way to get an impartial view of the suitability of this type of pool for you. 的re are lots of Endless Pool spa reviews out there. Simply searching ‘Endless Pool spa reviews’ will give you pages of results from impartial sources, although the following videos are an excellent place to start: